Oregon Consumer Justice (a nonprofit that advocates for consumer rights) commissioned me to make a comic about what to know when you’re purchasing a used car. Lawyer Young Walgenkim provided the text, I did the art. What did I learn in the process? I practiced drawing cars, and got pretty good at using designing compositions that cover up the bits of a car that come out weird every time. Michelle Luedtke at Oregon Consumer Justice made the process easy.
Read the whole thing on Oregon Consumer Justice’s site.

There’s an English and a Spanish version of the comic. The font I use for comics (that I made using the site Calligraphr) didn’t have the necessary accents for Spanish, so I whipped out a new handwriting font for the project. It’s rounder and has less personality than my usual one, and the letters are tilting forwards and backwards with no rhyme or reason.
…so after delivering the comic I remade my normal handwriting font, added all the diacritical marks I’ll need going forwards (knock on wood) and then made an italics, bold, and bold italics version. They need a bit more work, but keep your eye on this space: the next comic I release will have an all-new, possibly-indistinguishable-from-the-old typeface.