
  • Winter illustrations for

    Winter illustrations for

    Three illustrations for audiobook seller, created for the winter holidays.

  • Consumer Confidence Comics #2

    Consumer Confidence Comics #2

    “Dealing with Debt Collections”, another comic for Oregon Consumer Justice. It’s the first of two comics about debt; lawyers Kelly Donovan Jones and Michael Fuller wrote the text, I did the pictures, you can read the whole thing on the Oregon Consumer Justice website in Spanish and English and order copies of the comic for…

  • Stop as Yield

    Stop as Yield

    Another Allia x Audra creation. Pulled together semi-feverishly for this year’s Portland Zine Symposium (as is traditional). Bonus material: development sketches (and little heads). (I mostly doodle little heads.)

  • Crucial Comix launch

    Crucial Comix launch



    Subhead: I make a third website, proving I am not a web developer. After months of working, Crucial Comix is a real thing that makes sense to talk about with other people! That’s absolutely crazy! I made the website– we’re using WordPress because the storefront (for printed comics, the ever-important hats, and the thing we’re…

  • Mini zine: SEND IT

    Mini zine: SEND IT

    Or: how we learned to stop worrying and love the cold email.

  • Consumer Confidence Comics #1

    Consumer Confidence Comics #1

    Oregon Consumer Justice (a nonprofit that advocates for consumer rights) commissioned me to make a comic about what to know when you’re purchasing a used car. Lawyer Young Walgenkim provided the text, I did the art. What did I learn in the process? I practiced drawing cars, and got pretty good at using designing compositions…